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Indefinite Residency?

Writer's picture: salmonfolkfilmssalmonfolkfilms

Here is a screenshot of Episode 8's timeline after I was done today!

Today has been...phew...what has it been? On top of being creative in all sorts of other ways, I am, most unfortunately, also a writer. Not like a famous writer. No no. I assure you. I am the worst kind of writer. I am the kind who has to write in order to process things. It's like a curse. Always having to write to figure things out. Grab some coffee, this is gonna take a minute.

First of all I like to listen to Kpop when I write. Right now I am listening to "EXO 엑소 '으르렁 (Growl)' MV (Korean Ver.)" You are welcome for that link. Enjoy. Also turn off your punctuation and grammar filter, you will enjoy this article much more if you do.

Okay so...the podcast. Right? The whole big thing I have set aside this month for. From April 30th-June 4th I had (notice the past tense usage there) set aside this time to finish Season One of Salmonfolk Radio. The remaining content beyond the 5 episodes already released has been languishing on hard drives. Some of that content has been dusting over since 2018...some of it newer content from 2021. I have good reasons for why so much dust but that's not the point of this post. I am only looking forward.

I know when I am onto something good. I know when I am in possession of something that changes people's lives. I am not bragging, because I am not talking about myself. I am talking about the people who gave their time to me. To be blunt, they are brilliant human beings. These are people you need to know about. They are just looking at the intersection of the natural world and global capitalism and human nature in such relatable and unusual ways. I am so humbled that they spent time with me, a relative stranger (and my cameras and mics) towards the cause of getting fish farms out of the water.

Most of the material I have gone over since April 30th is material I have not heard since the day it was recorded-in 2018. And it's's SO good!! I had no idea until now. I had forgotten how rich it all is. I find myself thinking "holy shit...people need to know about this!"

I have Episodes 6-8 done! I am not releasing any of the new episodes though until I have full funding for sound mastering. So done...but sorta not quite done. My side of the job at least is done there. I am working on Episode 9. I think Season One will end up having about 16 episodes. And everyone dang one of them worth your time.

I have been a veteran now of many enviro campaigns. I have interviewed so many other long haul enviro folks. They all have one thing in common: longevity. It takes years or even decades to make change happen.

I look at the calendar and see June 4th looming-and I know that's not long enough.

I also know that after June 4th I currently have no idea where I will be living. Money isn't awful. I have some small amount in savings and I have some very small side jobs trickling in. To keep my costs down, so that I can run off my savings for as long as possible, I am housesitting and petsitting. It's how I can afford to do what I am doing this month.

I can mostly finish Season One by June 4th...(minus the sound design and mastering) but that is not what it takes to have this podcast be heard by enough change makers. What I need is time for these things to happen:

  1. How to best market and gain listenership for a podcast that has global implications. Seeking someone who has experience connecting with larger players in the world of podcasting.

  2. How to best approach companies for sponsorships, build alliances. This podcast has interviews with fisherman, eco philosophers, scientists and activists from around the world. A lot of outdoor brands I think would want to be a part of the positive messaging. Oh..and it's also a travelogue, so lots of outdoorsy explorations.

  3. Finding fiscal sponsors for this ocean conservation work so I can attract more donations.

  4. Network with fish farm fighters around the globe.

  5. Tie in the online world wide premiere of Being Salmon Being Human the movie on 11/3/2023.

My current dedicated $$ on hand? $0

My current committment to making all this work happen? 100%

Without an investment made in time spent, Salmonfolk Radio will not be able to do the work it needs to do.

I need longer than a month to make this all happen.

My plan now is to keep this "conservationist in residency" mission going for longer. My kids are grown. I am single. I am relatively healthy (no serious health care costs currently). I have a working car that is paid off. I have nearly zero debt. I am going to continue housesitting and petsitting gigs at least until the end of August. I just locked in a gig that will last most of August. Now to fill in June 15th til July 26th somewhere on the East Coast.

It's kind of a big deal for me to let go of applying for "real" hope that this all works out and I don't end up broke.

It means not having employer sponsored health care. But when I consider the opposite of this...that is how the world doesn't change. When we are all on that wheel of having to have the job, having to pay the rent, having to live that way and have those jobs that just don't make anything of actual value---we unmake the world that we also don't have time to value any longer. And eventually it will be gone. So I am sort of jumping off into really embracing trying to do this differently.

I am, for however long that I can, trying to restory my role here.

I am not special. There are thousands of people, probably millions, who would absolutely dedicate themselves to doing similar work. But this isn't the kind of "work" that our culture values with $$. I just happen be free enough in my life, right now, where I can attempt this approach.

Well thanks for listening to my TedTalk. #rantover.

If you would like to help me stay on this path here is my Patreon.

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